Baby burned in tragic slow cooker accident

By Practical Parenting team
October 18 2018
The mother of a one-year-old baby has spoken out about a horrific kitchen accident where her daughter pulled the slow cooker off the kitchen counter and received second-degree burns to her face.
Vanesa Herrara was making dinner in her kitchen while her daughter was in her baby walker. Little Azra then somehow managed to pull the cord of the slow cooker and the pot tumbled off the counter splashing her face with its contents.

News 4 Oklahoma
Mum Vanesa explained that she normally places Azra in her highchair but this time she left her in her walker.
"The Crock Pot was still plugged into the island, and she got over there and pulled it down," she explained.
The piping-hot sauce from the meat cooking inside burned little Azra and leaving her with second-degree burns.
"She made a little sound, but I think she was in shock," her mom remembered. When Vanesa saw what had happened to her daughter, she started yelling for help and she raced her daughter to hospital where she was treated.
Since the accident mum Vanesa has been slammed by others claiming the electric power cord from the crock pot shouldn't have been within the child's reach. But Vanesa is unrepentant.
"It was an accident. Accidents happen and they come in all forms," she told Cafe Mom. "I want others to see the warning and not just the negative," she added.
And the strong mama even offered her advice to other parents who might have to deal with a dangerous accident.
"To other mother's who come face to face with nightmares like this, keep heart," she says.