7-year-old girl who has Down syndrome sets the record straight

'It’s not scary, it’s so exciting.’
By Livia Gamble
October 18 2016
Seven-year-old Sofia is spreading a heartwarming message about what it’s like to have Down syndrome.
Sofia’s adopted mother, Jennifer Sanchez, shared a video of her daughter on Instagram to spread awareness during Down Syndrome Awareness Month.
“Little miss, do you have Down syndrome?” Sanchez asks her daughter.
“Yes I do have Down syndrome,” Sofia replies. “It’s something that’s in my blood— it goes down.”
“Is Down syndrome scary?” her mother asks.
“No, it’s not scary, it’s so exciting,” Sofia answers.
In another video Sofia tells her fans that she is ‘smart’, ‘kind’ and can anything she wants.
Speaking to CBS News, Sanchez says she had read so many messages from people saying how inspired they were “to hear about someone who loves themselves so much.”
“I realised that I don’t think people hear enough from people with the disability describe just how great they feel about themselves.”